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In The Kitchen: Stir Fry Veggies to get the Most From Them!

Fruits and vegetables are bursting with important nutrients, like fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, when these foods are processed in any way, that includes cooking, the chemical and physical bonds holding the nutrients in place break down, and many are lost. So what is the best way to get the most bang from your veggies? Well, besides just eating them raw like a Neanderthal, the best thing to do is cook them fast to avoid breakdown. A great way to cook fast? Stir fry!

We can all send the Han, Song, and Ming Dynasties of China for developing and eventually perfecting the stir-fry method. And then of course early Chinese-American immigrants for bringing it to the "Fly-Fifty" from across the Pacific.

So in order to get the perfect stir fry, make sure you have prepared well. That is really the only thing to do! Have all of your veggies cut up and ready to go. Get a nice big Wok (or frying pan if you're not fancy, like me), and get that dude heated up to medium. Throw in some olive oil, and maybe some garlic to get things going. This will also make your house smell fantastic and ward off vampires, according to my Romanian friend Svetlana.

Now you've got some sizzling garlic, throw the dense veggies in first, as they need the longest to cook. Follow up with the rest. Mix up and cook until you've reached your desired result.

Just don't let them sit for too long. Then you'll have undermined the entire purpose!
