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10 Little Life Tweaks for Better Health and Weight Loss

1) Write down what you eat -- no cheating!
2) Drink 64 ounces of water (or close to it) each day.
3) Swap a carb-filled side for green veggies at least four days each week.
4) Swap everything white -- bread, cereal, pasta -- for whole grain every single time.
5) Move a little bit every day.
6) Eat more slowly and pay attention to when you're getting full.
7) Keep veggies and fruits where you can see them -- on the table, counter or eye-level refrigerator shelf. You're more likely to eat them if you can see them.
8) Eat more omega 3's -- found in salmon, almonds, and avocados. They're belly-flattening superfoods.
9) Manage your stress with exercise, reading or yoga.
10) Get as much sleep as you can realistically manage. Rest helps keep your weight-gaining hormones in check and keeps you from snacking mindlessly.