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13 Tips to Stay Physically & Mentally Fit

1) Make time to workout…even just 15 minutes will ease stress levels
2) Plan out meals…don’t leave any room for stressing about foods. Know what it will be and when/where it will come from.
3) Accept that things will not be picture perfect…yes family members will probably mess something up but this is the time of year to just enjoy family.
4) Laughter is the best medicine so don’t be afraid to giggle a little
5) Take a relaxing bath to unwind
6) Make a play list that will help relieve tension
7) Read a book and let the mind wander elsewhere
8) Plan ahead, don't be caught off guard in the craziness of the season.
9) Scream…yes go ahead right into a pillow
10) Make to do lists and stay organized
11) Laugh, yes this really is the best medicine
12) Enjoy some wine-NOT the whole bottle
13) Write it out- journaling is a huge outlet to express emotion and get it all out of the system
