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3 Tips to Get Great Business Reviews

Getting a great online review of your business can be key when it comes to getting new customers. Shiny Reputation has three great tips on getting stellar reviews.

1) Too Legit to Quit

Some companies and services pay others to forge positive revues. While it seems the point doesn’t need to be stressed that this is wrong, websites such as will remind businesses of that by hitting them removals and hefty fines if they are caught in the act. Many rating sites have ways of identifying false reviews, and handle them with draconian force, often demonizing the company on other review sites, and making everyone fully aware that the company “cheated”. This looks a lot worse than one or two bad reviews. Start by listening to what customers are saying—try to find the main problem in the pre-existing bad reviews, and instead of dismissing them, acknowledge the problem and work to fix it. Keep the online reputation intact with website and service monitoring, and ensure that the computer equipment is up to date and bug-free.

2) Find Those Fans

For those that do enjoy the service, company, product, etc., make their review of the business easy. If they frequent an establishment, leave comment cards on the tables, or provide them with a link to a website where they can review there. Rewards such as discounts on their next purchase will encourage an online or over-the-phone review, and the bonus will certainly put them in a better mood. While networking online, don’t be afraid to ask customers what they think—this response to comments will ultimately get you feedback, and probably some good will come of it. Ask whether or not the customer would recommend the business to others, and put the idea in their mind.

3) Keep Them Informed

When online, remind grade-A customers that the company is still around. Update the company’s Facebook profile or home page that they have a new cook in, or have hired additional staff, or have changed the carpet. Ask what the customer thinks of the changes, and welcome feedback. It’s guaranteed new customers will be curious, and respond well to open style of speaking, while die-hard returning customers will go and see if they like the changes. If they respond negatively, an owner will know exactly what to change. If they like it, ask them to pass it on.

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