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5 Photography Tips for Beginners

Here are some tips for how to take good photos, even if you’re not a photographer:

1. Look at different angles. Taking the predictable photo can be pretty, but someone else has probably done it before. Try looking at your subject from above, below, or around to see if you can find a more interesting picture.

2. Play with light. Try photographing the subject during the day and at night, or with and without the flash. You may be surprised by what looks good!

3. Don’t over edit. Photoshopping can be fun, but overdoing a photo can take away its natural beauty.

4. Don’t zoom. If you can, get close to your subject to take the picture, instead of zooming in on it.

5. Take a lot of pictures. Don’t spend all day trying to find the one perfect photo. Take a lot of photos, and when you’re looking through them later, you may find a hidden gem.