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5 Tips to Living a More Organic Life

Treating yourself right doesn't have to be a huge job. With little lifestyle changes over time, you can be leading a healthier, more organic existence. Start with these five tips, brought to you by Thumos Health Center.

1) Just eat better: Sounds simple, doesn’t it? If one wants to be healthy one needs to eat healthy. Don’t just think about what can be added to a diet, but seriously think about what can be removed. Processed anything is going to be bad. Anything that says “partially hydrogenated,” “trans fat,” or anything outside of natural oil, is going to be processed, and therefore not properly absorbed into the body. Some common solutions include replacing butter with olive oil or grape seed oil, and even substituting salts with herbs and spices. Base meals around vegetables and fruits, and fill in the gaps with meats (red meats sparingly).

2) Drink better: Seven to nine glasses of water a day help keep the system hydrated and flushes out what’s left over. Obviously, water (outside of oxygen) is the most crucial element for survival, so its importance need not be stated. Limit the amount of coffee being consumed to one a day, and leave out the cream and sugar. It can’t be stressed enough how bad sugar is for the system. Caffeine can inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients, such as calcium, thiamine, and iron.

3) Exercise better: Exercise should be a daily part of anyone’s day. Exercise provides chemical reactions inside the body that help reduce chances of developing certain kinds of cancers, diabetes, and depression. The human body is conditioned around exercise. For thousands of years physical exertion was required in order to survive and flourish. The reason humanity exists today is because of the body’s natural affinity to exert itself in a physical manner. Losing this deprives people of the very chemicals and hormones that are needed to remain healthy and sane.

4) Sleep better: A famous quote is “You can sleep when you’re dead.” Well, without proper sleep death might come a bit quicker than originally intended. Sleep is necessary to balance hormones for weight loss and other benefits. Recent research on the hormones leptin and gherlin show that production of both may be influenced by how much or how little people sleep. Lack of sleep can mean a rise in ghrelin hormones and a decrease in leptin signals. This results in a lack of satisfaction and eventual overeating.

5) Emote better: A Jedi or a Samurai is taught to control their emotions. Although it isn’t suggested to repress any, there is certainly benefit of being more mindful of them. Good ways to achieve a balanced emotional toolkit is to be more conscious about how a body is treated and how mindful a person’s eating is. Avoid looking at food or alcohol as a coping substance, and be aware of what it is that that’s being put into the bodily system. Nothing influences moods and feelings more than what is, or isn’t, put into someone’s mouth.

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