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5 Tips to Prevent Burglary

Most people think that a locked door is all it takes to keep people out of their home. The truth is, there are a lot of steps you can take to make your home a safer place.

1. Exterior Locks- When purchasing a new home, be sure to change the exterior door locks as soon as possible. Also, reprogram the exterior garage door opener if there is one. Whether it’s a new home or a previously owned home, chances are that there are people with copies of the keys or key pad number outside of your family.

2. Exterior Lighting: Statistics show that homes that are well-lit are less likely to be burglarized. Install floodlights around the exterior of the home, especially around points of entry. Automatic timers work well to turn lights on and off when the homeowner is away.

3. Security System: Most criminals will avoid homes with any type of installed security system, as the risk of being caught is too great. A home security system can also alert homeowners of fire, flood, and high levels of carbon monoxide - providing even more protection to the occupants.

4. Emergency Plan: A well devised and practiced emergency plan can mean the difference between life and death for any family. Should a break-in occur, a family needs to react quickly to avoid physical harm.

5. Vacation Planning: Be sure not to announce travel plans on Facebook or any other social media outlet. An acquaintance of a friend may find this a perfect opportunity to burglarize your home. It's recommended to update Facebook account settings so that only familiar contacts can see postings. Also, ask a neighbor or friend to pick up newspapers, mail, and any packages so they don’t pile up and draw the attention of a would-be criminal.

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