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5 Workout Tips for Brides

Getting lean for your wedding day is just as challenging as getting fit in general -- add the stress of planning and the desire to look your absolute best, and it can seem downright impossible! Here are five tips from weight loss expert Vishy Dadsetan to get ready for your wedding day, one fit step at a time.

Tip 1 - Build Lean Muscle: Put the fear of getting bulky and muscle-bound aside and work on adding lean muscle. RMR (resting metabolic rate) indicates how much calories body burns while resting. Increase in lean muscles means higher resting metabolic rate and burning more stubborn fat 24/7. Strength training with focus on getting stronger is one of the best ways to add lean muscles. Allow an at least one-day rest between strength-training workouts.

Tip 2 - Get The Whole Body Involved: Think of the muscles in the body as a fat-burning army with many divisions. Some divisions are small and some large. The larger divisions destroy more fat and they do it quicker. Getting the whole army and all its divisions involved burns the most fat.
Whole body movements work best by getting glutes, thighs, lats and chest involved. Burpees are a great example of how to get glutes, thighs and chest involved. Pay attention to pain and any joint limitations. Stiff ankles and wrist can destroy exercise form and cause injury. Also, many of my clients come to me with either knee, low back or shoulder injuries, which require individualized exercise modification.

Tip 3 - Mix In High Intensity Interval Training: Burning fat needs oxygen. The more oxygen gets inside the body the more fat the body burns. A high-intensity round increases body’s need for oxygen during the effort and creates an oxygen shortage. Body will continue asking for oxygen and burning fat after the high-intensity round ends. A high-intensity round cannot be sustained more than about a minute. Most people can sustain it for less than 30 seconds before they need rest. So a high intensity interval training includes an almost max effort for around 30 seconds followed by an active rest period of 30 to 90 seconds. Build up aerobic capacity, strong ligaments, tendons and muscles to be able to handle high intensity interval training. Injury is bad enough, but before wedding, an injury could be close to a disaster.

Tip 4 - Just In Time For Cardio: The heavy breathing after the high intensity interval training gets the oxygen into the body to burn the sugars. That happens fast. Now your body needs fuel, and it dumps stored fat into the bloodstream to be used. This is the perfect time to take it down a notch or three and do some low to moderate intensity aerobic training to burn the fat up before it gets out of the bloodstream and is re-stored.

Tip 5 - Rest & Restore: Exercise stresses the body and causes inflammation and oxidation. Rest allows it to recover and build itself to be stronger and leaner. Over-training only delays results. A good deep tissue massage will do wonders in getting toxins out of your system and restoring it.
A foam roller is an alternative to massage. It’s cheap and easy to use. Spend at least five minutes after your workout to find the trigger points and knead them out. Glutes, thighs, calves and lats are the primary points of tensions so pay attention to them first. Foam rollers can be painful with trigger points. Learn to tolerate and recognize the restorative pain without bruising your muscles and stay away from joints.

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