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6 Tips on Keeping Customers Happy

Keeping customers happy is the basis of all

Keeping customers happy is the basis of all successful sales endeavors. Try these 6 tips, published by NBC News and featured by ShinyReputation, to keep your customers thrilled and coming back for more.

1) It is important to treat the customer with the utmost respect at all times even when the customer may not always be right. Most patrons will recognize when they have been difficult and may comment on sites such as Yelp on how the business and its employees reacted to a particular situation.
2) Offer solutions, at each business' discretion, to make a customer's experience better than their previous one.
3) From a technology standpoint, such as providing online services, make sure to constantly monitor your web server. This entails making sure the business’ computer hardware and website are not running slowly or improperly which could cause customer irritation.
4) Should a problem arise in the business’ server, use a server health service to scan for the specific issues and malfunctions that could cause difficulties.
5) Diligently pay attention to the type of comments and reviews being left for the business on social media sites.
6) Interact with unhappy customers and provide amicable solutions to appease the patron in hopes of bringing them come back to use the business again.

To read more about ShinyReputation and NBC News, read the full press release below.
