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9 Great Reasons for Getting Creative

Why Should I Bother with Creativity?

That question is going too be answered with another question.

What better way to gift yourself than to spend some quality time expressing your inner feelings and desires?

Creativity is for everyone, not just arts and crafters. Look at how the creativity in others touches your own life.

Let Me Paint a Colorless Picture

Can you envision our world without imagination? Try to visualize Vincent Van Gogh deciding he was no good at painting and never picking up a paintbrush to allow his perspective of beauty and vibrant energy to spring onto a canvas.

Or, how about the aural delights of a classical composer like Bach lacking the confidence to grace our ears with his heart-wrenching and evocative rendition of “Air on a G String?”

The list could go on as we venture into the world of artistic genius and magnificence, but I’m sure you get the dreary portrayal of what our lives would be like if we lacked creativity or the drive to be inventive.

But I Am Not an Artist!

Everybody has a spark of creativity within—you don’t have to be a master artist or musician to be able to express yourself.

Creativity can emerge through anyone, from playwrights, chefs, teachers, computer programmers, healers, writers, and homemakers to artisans, designers, gardeners, and street sweepers. All of these people can, and in many cases do, exercise creative flow with every task they carry out, regardless of their so-called “profession.”

I am, primarily, a writer, artist, and musician, but I also try to express my creativity in other forms. This can be anything from experimental cooking to how I decide to dress myself each day—each look and meal is never quite the same because I’m never quite the same. I go according to how I feel. This is what adds spice to your life!

I’ve used myself as an example to demonstrate all the vast corners that creativity can be lurking in. It’s your job to show it the light of day in as many avenues of your life as you can. This is not something that you should be thinking of doing only when you retire! The time is now.

“When you choose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Inadvertently Paying It Forward

When you find that one thing (or several things) that allows you to express your unique self, it will be felt by those around you. You may even inspire them to rekindle a past passion that they have shelved or invoke them to try something new to bring out their resourcefulness.

Anyone can radiate creativity and beauty into their surroundings; it is how you utilize your talents, not what your job is, that truly defines who you are.

Why Is Creative Expression Important for Me?

When you give yourself time out to practice and explore your ingenuity, you are gifting yourself with:

Playfulness—You honor yourself when you allow time to fool around and to tap into that inner child that so many of us have forgotten about.
Imagination—Drawing from the resources of the right hemisphere of the brain, which is our supply of creative juice, you create a much needed balance and vacation from the often-dominate, linear thinking left hemisphere of your brain.
Relaxation—Make time to unwind and craft that creative time into a peaceful, soothing scene of tranquility—an escape from the noise and looped mind-chatter of the daily grind.
Space—Give yourself that much needed freedom to unreservedly express how you are feeling.
How Will This Ultimately Benefit Me?

Expressing your creative sparkle is priceless, but just in case you need more convincing, here are some key factors outlining the benefits of allowing yourself the time and space for artistic endeavor:

De-stressing—When you are in the zone, it is tantamount to meditating, where all logical and worrisome thoughts cease and you are taken over by the imaginative current, which will reduce your stress levels dramatically.
Calming—When you are in this state of mindlessly enjoying yourself, you will feel an instantaneous calm come over you.
Personal Fulfillment—The feeling of birthing something beautiful into this world is incalculable, and you feel that sense of achievement and liveliness that creation brings with it.
Inner Reflection—Just like the de-stressing point above, when you are in this meditative state, it gives you the time to do a bit of introspection. You can realign yourself with your goals and keep in touch with the core of your self.
Enjoyment—When you tickle the inner child that bursts to express joy and ingenuity, you will find that the tasks you do that invoke such inventiveness also bring elation. Connecting with your creativity will connect you with your joy.
Your Call to Action

Try creating a tranquil, serene place where you can retreat when you feel like you are in the mood for a bit of creativity. Mark it off as your special creative zone.

If you are finding it difficult to tap into your source of imagination and originality, I always find it extremely helpful to take a walk in nature or to practice daily meditation (you know, that “thing” where you are alone and quiet with no interruptions?). When you get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, you gain a certain clarity that can only be found when there is peace and quiet.

Free up some space this evening to tap into the inner child that just wants to finger paint and get mucky, pick up that pen and write that epic you’ve always dreamed about, cut out colorful pictures and make a collage, take those first steps to learning that instrument that has been sitting in your closet for ten years, or just do some mindless doodling—whatever tickles your creative genius buds to blossom. Sometimes, just giving the intent to find your creative spark is all that is needed to get the ball rolling.

So get out there and give your creative juices a squeeze and bring a little zest into your life!
