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Alaska Travels

If you ever travel to this amazing state where I live, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

1. Please do not attempt at petting the wild animals.

Bears and Moose are adorable, but where there are babies, mom is not far off. She's in the vicinity and she's not afraid to hurt someone.

2. Be prepared for the worst weather conditions.

It may be sunny today, and there may be a snow or rain storm tomorrow. The weather is very unpredictable here, so do keep that in mind. Always pack an emergency kit just in case with a winter jacket, hat and gloves. Planes here depend heavily on current weather conditions, so they can't fly in heavy snow or rain with no visibility. It may sound stupid, but most of Alaska's travel to remote areas is by Bush Plane. No Boeing can land on a tiny airstrip unless it's making an emergency stop.

3. Roadside hunting is illegal.

Please don't hunt from your truck or car for an easy kill of Moose on the side of the road. You can get arrested.

4. We don't fit all stereotypes.

We don't live in igloos. You have no idea how many times I've been asked that. We may be separated from the rest of the United States, but we aren't uncivilized. We have computers, carpet, houses (with very good insulation), furniture, everything that everyone else has.

5. Alaskan Natives find it offensive to be called "Eskimo"

Most Alaskan Natives find it really offensive to be called an Eskimo. Because the word "Eskimo" translates in some groups as "One who is uncivilized". There are different groups of Alaskan Natives here in this state, each with their own traditions and language. Even though they resemble each other in many ways, they don't all belong to the Native group of Eskimo.

6. Please don't pull a Christopher McCandless.

Above everything else, please don't pull a Christopher McCandless. The person who Sean Penn made the movie after was not a hero in any way. He was very ill prepared, thinking that he could live off of a few pounds of rice over the winter. He did not know how to hunt or preserve food properly. He did not have the proper winter gear meant for temperatures that drop to subzero at night on a daily basis and stays that way all winter long. He had no knowledge of the environment before being exposed to it. You will find that many people in this state say that what Chris McCandless did was well beyond stupid. So if you're planning any kind of trip into Denali or any of the other National Parks here, be prepared. Pack a tent, rations of food that are high in protein, a mummy bag that is made for -40 weather and anything else that is recommended for hikes.

With that all said, I hope this has helped anyone interested.

Happy Travels!