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Alternative Halloween Carving

So this year I forgot about halloween...I know,

So this year I forgot about halloween...I know, I know how could I ignore the orange and black decorations in every shop, the trailers for the latest horror movies on the TV my nieces and nephews whingeing for an all-singing-all-dancing zombie costume! But I did. And by the time I remembered and dashed to the supermarket for our pumpkin for the annual carving contest, all the pumkins had sold out!

Never one to give up at the first hurdle, I grabbed a couple of melons instead! And actually I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out! Plus, I'm not a fan of pumkin pie (or soup, or curry, or any of the other festive favourites) but vodka watermelon slushies....there's a new holiday favourite I could really get on board with!!