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Always Carry Kleenex!

Always carry Kleenex. On a recent trip to San Francisco, I unfortunately caught a cold. It was one of those nose-is-running-like-a-faucet, sneezing constantly colds. One morning, some friends and I went to a coffee shop around the corner and then headed to a marina area to sit and enjoy our coffee on a gorgeous day. In the middle of our conversation, I developed that itchy, about-to-sneeze feeling. This was not the cute little "achoo!" I was hoping for. This was a monstrous, overly-snotty sneeze. I reached in my purse: no Kleenex. None of my friends had tissues. The coffee shop had no napkins, but they had an adorable way of using coffee filters to serve cookies and pastries on. I walked away from my group and tried to clean up my running nose with a coffee filter...needless to say, it was a little rough on my nose. Coffee filters aren't always going to be around when you need them, so always carry Kleenex!