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Always Look Around Your Car If You Parked in a Field

My sister isn’t the most observant person on the planet. One night she parked her Spyder Eclipse convertible with low profile tires in a field for a concert. She insists that it was a parking spot. By the end of the night she heads back to her car, gets in without looking in front of her car and decides to pull forward out of the spot. She felt some resistance as she pulled forward but thought it was just the uneven field. A few seconds later she realized that wasn’t the case. When she got out of her car she realized a fire hydrant was in front of her and ripped a hole into the driver side door the entire length of the door. How she didn’t know something was ripped her car apart, we have no idea. But if you are ever parked in a field, look around before you pull out. You may end up in a hole or with a hole permanently in your car.