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AMAZING WHAT NELMS OPTICIANS IS OFFERING!. If you know someone who will benefit of this great gift share and give the gift of Sight!

The Gift of Sight

At Nelms Opticians we understand the importance of healthy eyes. Prescription eyewear can be expensive and sometimes the very people that need them the most cannot always afford them.
We have decided to give away a pair of prescription eyeglasses to a child under 12 in need
From now till Apr 30, 2014 we want you to nominate a child (not your own) who would most benefit from this offer. We will accept the nomination by email to [email protected] or mail. All is confidential. The child must have a current Rx or have one done by one of our 2 Independent Optometrists (covered by Ontario Health Card)

1. The child must be under 12 years old and require new Rx glasses in a family with no means to afford them (must show Ontario Health Card)
2. Must have a current Rx
3. Children on Social Assistance or other benefit programs are not eligible as they are already covered
4. You cannot nominate your own family or anyone from your household
5. To nominate please write to Nelms Opticians, Attn: Pat Dunk, 645 Lansdowne St. W. Peterborough Ont K9J7Y5 or email [email protected] before Apr 30-14
6. Winner will be chosen by an independent panel
7. The person who nominates the winner will receive a gift certificate from Nelms Opticians
Please direct any questions to Pat at 705-742-5449