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Change your makeup with your age

Humans are creatures of habit, and this tends to carry over into beauty routines. Women tend to get a set of beauty products or a single "look" that they love and hold onto it for dear life. While it's great to have a go-to look, your skin and style shouldn't stay the same as you age. At 20-something, for example, you probably only really need a tinted moisturizer or light foundation, concealer for pimples and some mascara and lip gloss. Your skin is also smooth and young -- the perfect canvas for bright colors and experimentation. When you hit your 30s and start getting little lines -- but no acne -- and you'll need a slightly heavier medium-coverage foundation. You'll also want to stick to a classic nude makeup look most of the time. You still have the skin to experiment, but you can't get away with teal eye shadow at the office! In your 40s, you'll want to switch to a more moisturizing, fuller-coverage foundation. You'll also generally want to steer clear of ultra-bright, super-glittery, or cream eye shadows -- they settle into fine lines and age you. These beauty habits can carry you well into your 50s and beyond. Women look beautiful at any age, but choosing age-appropriate beauty products ensure you'll age not only gracefully, but extra gorgeously.