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Cheddar/Caramel Popcorn Balls

If you've ever had a particular brand of Chicago Popcorn, you get a hankering for it when you return home. I invented these popcorn balls to satisfy my itch, and realized our friends and family were nuts for them.
1. Pre-popped Cheddar Popcorn (Look for the real cheddar, not just cheddar flavored. It can be white cheddar or traditional orange)
2. Kraft Milk Maid Caramels
Put 30 caramels in a sauce pan and add 3 Tablespoons of water. Stir continually over medium to low heat until completely melted and very warm, but not scorching hot.
Pour the caramel over 2 Quarts of the popcorn. This is about 1/2 of a large bag. I use a spoon and a spatula to mix the ingredients.
Then, with clean damp hands, form into 10-14 balls and place on parchment or waxed paper to cool. I keep a little bowl of cold water to dip my hands in so the hot caramel won't stick. Just don't use too much water, or you will have soggy popcorn balls.
Once cooled they can be stored in individual baggies for about a week, but they just don't last that long!