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Cook with Your Coffee Maker

Whether the zombie apocalypse has finally arrived or you're just looking for a weird weekend project, this is a life hack worth knowing.

Your coffee maker (the old drip-coffee kind, not your high-tech pod thingy) can be used for a variety of cooking needs. Here's how it works:

The basket, usually used for the coffee grinds and filter, can be used to steam vegetables or other foods. Simply pour in the water, add veggies instead of coffee, and turn the pot on.

The warming plate of your coffee maker is actually hot enough to cook on -- it's pretty gross, but if you're in a pinch, it will cook fish or meat to a sanitary level. I'm guessing you could even make a grilled cheese (maybe a small one) on there if you were so inclined.

The actual water that drips into the coffee pot is hot enough to poach or boil eggs, boil pasta or rice, or boil root vegetables like potatoes and carrots.

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