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Cute Easter Idea

A sweet way to tell someone you love them on easter!

Make a pinprick hole in the top and bottom of a regular egg.

Holding the egg over a bowl to catch the insides, put your mouth over the top hole and gently blow. The egg should empy itself into the bowl. (you can make scrambly eggs or an easter cake with this part!)

Gently rinse the egg to get rid of any residue, then you can decorate it with the design of your choice, or leave it blank if you're going to serve it as a real egg!

On a tiny strip of paper write an Easter message for your loved one, then roll it up tightly and (using tweezers) poke it through the hole in the bottom of the egg.

Place the egg in an egg cup and serve. When they crack the shell they'll be surprised to find a loving easter message.