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Dogs + Christmas Trees = Disaster (Unless You Follow These Tips)

Holiday decorations are wonderful, unless you're a dog. Pets have a knack of getting into holiday decorations, which can cause sickness or death. Luckily, the American Christmas Tree Association teamed up with the pet product gurus at Hartz to bring you these tips on creating a peaceable coexistence between dog and tree.

1) Needles
Don’t let your dog chew or swallow fallen Christmas tree needles. They are not digestible and can be mildly toxic depending upon your dog’s size and how much she ingests. The fir tree oils can irritate your dog’s mouth and stomach and tree needles also can obstruct or puncture her gastrointestinal tract.

2) Water
Preservatives, pesticides, fertilizers and other agents, such as aspirin, are commonly added to tree water to keep the tree fresh. Treated water can be harmful to a thirsty dog -so use a covered tree water dish to be safe. Plain fresh water is the best choice.

3) Lights
Don’t string the bottom of your tree with lights; some types can get very hot and burn your dog. Firmly tape cords to the wall or floor and check them regularly for chew marks or punctures.

4) Ornaments
Be careful with edible or glass holiday ornaments. Your dog may knock over the tree trying to get to one, or injure itself trying to play with a broken one.

5) Hooks
Use ribbon, yarn or lightweight twine to hang your ornaments – not traditional wire hooks – which can snag an ear or swishing tail. If swallowed, they can lodge in your dog’s throat or intestines.

6) Tinsel
Don’t trim your tree with tinsel. If swallowed, it can block the dog’s intestines.

7) Gifts
Keep the area around your tree free of discarded string, ribbon and small toys or toy pieces. These can be swallowed and cause a bowel obstruction.

8) Artificial trees
Small pieces of plastic could be bitten off and cause an intestinal blockage or mouth irritation if ingested.

9) Tree Placement
Create a “present” barrier around your tree with a pile of wrapped boxes, even empty ones, to block access to the tree. Place your tree in a room that can be closed off from the rest of the house, if possible. Another option is to install a baby or pet gate in the doorway to prevent entry to the tree room, or put low-lattice fencing around the tree and secure it so it can’t be knocked over. Depending on the dog’s size and energy level, it might be worth considering tabletop Christmas trees so you can enjoy the holiday season while making sure your dog can’t get to it.

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