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Eggs and Cooking: Some Tips to Simplify Things

1. Always crack the eggs into a separate dish, not directly into your recipe. If you ever get a nasty egg, and it happens, you will be glad you adhered to this rule.
2. If you have a recipe that calls for more than two eggs, count out the eggs and place them to one side because it is easy to lose count, especially if you get distracted by a phone call or a bit of egg shell in the batter.
3. The best tool for removing an egg shell from your bowl is.... another eggshell. Use the large scoop shaped portion of the egg shell to capture the wayward bit of shell.
4. If you have a recipe that calls for, let's say, 2 whole eggs and 6 egg whites, (I am thinking jellyroll or health foods) start by collecting the white FIRST. The reason? Say one of the yolks breaks as you're collecting only the white and flops into your egg bowl? Well then, that can be one of your 2 whole eggs, but if you had already collected your whole eggs, you would be trying to fish out an extra yolk! If you are very skilled and you collect all your whites without getting a yolk in the mix, then you know that the last 2 eggs in your pile are your "whole" eggs and just get cracked in with the rest.
I bet you never knew eggs were so tricky