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Folding does not mean failure

In poker, when you decide you don't want

In poker, when you decide you don't want to play a hand any more, you "fold". Based on the cards you have, the betting of the other players, and the statistical probability of your winning the hand, you decide when the best time to fold will be. You get yourself out of the game on purpose so you don't lose any more money. Folding is not failure; it is part of the game. Another hand will soon be dealt and the game will continue.

Sometimes, in life, you need to fold. When something isn't working out, you may need to cut your losses and get out. Think of that as being part of the game. Not a failure. It is simply an opening for an opportunity to play a new hand and to embrace a new adventure that will come around soon.

Tip: Low risk-takers - Next time you are tempted to throw in the towel, consider experimenting with staying in for another hand. Notice what happens when you do that. High risk-takers - Consider folding or changing paths before the situation becomes a win or lose-all situations. What is the upshot or the downside of folding before a crisis sets in?

Jan Carley