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"Freeze" Your Accounts

When I was in graduate school, to say that I was hurting for cash would be an understatement. I was taking out student loans by the thousands and only working part time while going to class full time. Even spending on the essentials was costing me too much. When I got a credit card bill for more than $1000, I panicked. For the first time ever, I couldn't pay off my balance. It took two months to pay off, and afterward I froze my credit card -- literally. Instead of trusting myself not to use the card or closing the account (this hurts your credit score every time you do it!) I put my credit card in a bowl, filled it with water, and froze it. It stayed in the freezer, in a block of ice, for 6 months. I saved so much money by only paying cash for things! When you can see the cash disappearing in front of your eyes, you're less likely to spend.