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Get Ready in a Jiffy!

Getting ready in the morning can take such a long time. You're tired, you're wishing it was Friday, you just aren't feeling it today. A couple ways to get more sleep and decrease your morning routine.
1. Take a shower at night. I mean come on, how dirty can you get while you're sleeping?
2. Make your lunch the night before. This way you won't be scrambling for food in the morning, and you won't spend money on fast food every day!
3. Pick out your clothes the night before. This one seems obvious, but sometimes it just has to be reiterated.
4. Have everything that you need to bring ready and by the door.
5. Finally, eat a good breakfast. Ok it might not be something to speed up the routine, but it is something to make you more alert, energized, and just plain feeling good during the day.