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Get Through Your Assigned Reading With Ease

For all you students who have assigned reading over the summer that you’re dreading, there are some easy ways to get through it as painlessly as possible.

1. Read every day: if you want to get your reading done and not have to worry about it, don’t slack off and read infrequently. The more you read, the easier it’ll be for you to get through it.

2. Set blocks of pages: plan out beforehand what you’re going to read. Write down sets of pages or chapters that you’ll set to read each day on a piece of paper. Stick to your goals and you’ll be able to chug through your copy of A Separate Peace with ease.

3. Consult the Internet: you’re not the first person to slog through the books you’ve been assigned. Just Google-search your book title plus the word “Sparknotes” and chances are you’ll find a pretty solid study guide. Lots of the books you’ll read are tailor-made for abridged notes anyway.

4. Read a book of your own afterwards: if you only read your summer reading while on break, chances are you’ll become jaded about reading. Don’t let this happen! If you start to dislike reading, not only will your future assignments will feel even more tedious, but you’ll also miss out on some great books. To avoid this disdain for literacy, every time you finish an assigned book, read something that you think is interesting; you’ll plow through it and have a renewed enjoyment of reading.

If you follow these steps, your summer reading will be done before you know it and you’ll be able to tackle your books for class with fervor.