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Green Door Program

At Habitat for Humanity, Peterborough & Kawartha Region, the Green Door Program is a vital component of every project we undertake. We are committed to building homes that incorporate green, sustainable material and practices while maintaining affordability for our low-income partner families. With each build season we also pilot innovative strategies, continually moving toward greater sustainability while minimizing negative impact on the environment.

Habitat’s Green Door Program in Action:
•Energuide rating of 83 or better
•High efficiency heating system 94% AFUE or better
•Air tightness results of 2.0 or better
•Energy Star rated windows, appliances and lighting
•Low flow faucets and dual flush toilets
•Insulation levels above building code requirements
•Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV )
•Drain water heat recovery system
•Under slab insulation and ventilation
•Positioning of home to take advantage of passive solar gain and sizing windows accordingly
•Waste management plan on build site

Our progressive building practices HFHP&D an industry leader in green and sustainable homebuilding. Habitat homes target Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) standards. LEED is a recognized national brand designed to transform the mainstream homebuilding industry by moving toward more sustainable practices. By using LEED standards, homeowners are able to differentiate their house as one of the best on the market
