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Having Fun In Your Dorm (Without Getting In Trouble)

To all incoming freshman: we all know you’re going to end up partying at college, at least a little. It’s part of the experience. Of course, this won’t always take place in an apartment or a fraternity house. Sometimes you’re just going to want to throw down in your dorm. Being freshmen, this is acceptable, but only if you don’t get caught. These may be common sense, but here are some easy precautions to make sure that doesn’t happen:

1. Keep your music turned down: yes, dancing to underground French electronica is great, but nothing tips an RA off to illicit activities like blasting music.

2. Block your door crack with a pillow: it’ll muffle sound some and, in case you’re the caps-playing type, make sure that bottle caps don’t slide under the door and into the hall (which happened to some unfortunate friends of mine).

3. Set up hiding spots for contraband: alcohol is generally the factor that leads to the most punishment if confronted by an RA. If you have it, make sure to set up bundles of laundry around the room in convenient locations so that if you hear the ominous yet courteous knock on your door, you can hide your booze in a hurry.

With these tips in mind, go out there, make friends and use your dorm responsibly!