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How to Climb Up the Promotion Ladder

When talking to a business executive, I asked her how she reached the high job tier she now resided in. Here's some of the wisdom she had to offer:

1. Always Say Yes - If someone asks you if you have time to fax something, the answer is yes. Even if you don't know where the fax machine is, you'll figure it out and help someone along the way. These little yes's add up and people will remember you as someone always willing to go above and beyond.

2. Understand You Have No Set End Time - Just because you're scheduled from 9 to 5 doesn't mean you jet out at 5. If you're hourly, of course ask your boss if they need help, and if not, leave. If you're salary though, staying later a few nights a week makes all the difference. That's when the busiest higher ups are still there and just something as simple as them seeing you after hours working makes a world of difference.

3. Offer Your Services - If your boss is complaining about a spreadsheet, offer to take it off of her hands. Or, offer advice on how to make the task easier. Be careful in your approach. You don't want to offend them or make them think that you feel superior to them. If you handle this the right way though, your boss will seek you out over others, which will benefit you come promotion time.

4. Be Direct - Ask for what you want. If there's a job opening you're interested in, make it known. Ask what you need to do to get it and follow those steps completely. Even if you don't get the job, you'll learn a lot in the process.