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How to Get Sweat Stains out of White Clothes (Works for Other Stains, Too!)

If you're a white clothes-wearing workout junkie, or just tend to sweat through clothes, then you know the pain of sweat stains on white clothing. These seemingly permanent stains can make you want to toss all your white clothes in the trash and buy new ones. Thankfully, there's a magic laundry potion for this very problem. Combine 2 Tbsp. hydrogen peroxide, 2 Tbsp. baking soda, and 1 tsp. dish soap (like Dawn) and apply it to the stain. Gently rub or scrub the fabric, then put the laundry in the washing machine with hot water and 1/4 cup chlorine bleach. This works on all stains as long as the clothes are pure white!