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How to Make an Awesome Latte At a College Cafeteria

If you're a College Student, who struggles with paying tuition and a meal plan because you have to, this will come in handy.

At your local cafeteria, take one of the glasses and fill 1/4 of it with drip coffee. If you have flavored coffee, go with the ones that taste less like crap. (I choose St. Nickerdoodle) but French vanilla or Organic Mexican doesn't taste terrible, either.

Now, pour sugar into the cup so that it just coats the bottom in a thin layer. Trust me.

Go to the milk dispensers and fill the glass that you just poured coffee in, up to half way with Chocolate Milk.

After, fill the glass up to the rim with Whole Milk. Fat Free or 1% doesn't work quite as well with this because there isn't enough fat content to keep the flavor.

This is how I've gotten through my morning classes while not having to pay the extra money. Meal Plans are expensive, so this is one way to put them to good use.