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How to Stay Safe During Extreme Weather

Preparing for severe weather can seem like a hassle, but it's definitely better to be safe than sorry in an inclement weather situation! Follow these tips from SecuritySystemReviews to prepare for the worst.

1. When installing a security system, there are a number of types of security system equipment and security system monitoring features that can be used for severe weather. In particular, a flood alarm is a great investment, because flooding can occur in nearly any type of severe weather, and can be incredibly devastating to homeowners. Also, during power outages, it’s possible that a security system will not function properly, so a wireless security system can be beneficial during power outages, to ensure that a home’s residents remain secure from threats such as looting.

2. Install battery-powered carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, and keep extra batteries on-hand in case of emergency. Carbon monoxide and fires can be a particularly big threat during a power outage caused by severe weather, because of the types of heaters or outdoor cooking devices that are often used during emergencies.

3. Keep a full tank of gas at all times. During a severe weather emergency, an evacuation may be necessary, and gas stations will likely either be out of commission or have extremely long lines, so it’s a good idea to always keep gas in at least one car. If it is required to evacuate during an emergency, try to set the home security system, if possible. Severe weather and emergency situations are one of the most common times burglars and looters strike, so even during severe weather, don’t forget to take home safety measures.

4. Have a 1-2 week supply of non-perishable foods in the home. If there is a severe weather situation, it is likely that there won’t be power, so foods that should be kept on-hand should not require cooking or a great deal of preparation.

5. Keep at least a two week supply of any needed medications on-hand at all times. In case of severe weather it may not be possible to reach a pharmacy, so it’s important to always have enough medicines around in case of emergency.

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