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How To Unwind After A Stressful Day

If your day has been a really long one and quite stressful to the max, winding down can be a challenge since you're so built up on energy. Here's something that could help you in the process to relaxation.

1.) When you get home, change into something loose fitting. Work clothes contain all the stressful energy you've been carrying that day and bringing it home with you.

2.) Pick a spot in any of the rooms near a window or a door that could open and close. I prefer glass sliding doors and windows. But anything works. If you live in a hot climate area, you don't have to worry about snow or anything.

3.) Open said window, or door.
Doing so lets fresh air circulate through the room and can even be calming to the senses. Since you might be boxed in at a desk job, this can help in allowing you to relax.

4.) Close your eyes, and breathe in and out at a count of 5-7-5. That's 5 counts to breathe in, 7 to hold your breath, and 5 counts to breathe out. This is basically a meditation exercise broken down breathing pattern for those who are new to it. It takes some practice.

5.) Let all negative thoughts and feelings out of your body The combination of fresh air and the allowance of relaxation for you body has a positive effect on your mind and helps in making the rest of your day better.