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How to Wake Up Early Without Being Groggy

There are few things worse than having your alarm go off and feeling like you got absolutely no sleep at all. There's actually a science to sleeping, and this easy calculation ensures you'll wake up more refreshed and stay less groggy all day long.

Sleep cycles generally are 90 minutes in length. Waking up during a sleep cycle gives you that exhausted, groggy feeling; while waking up between sleep cycles means you feel more refreshed.

To figure out when the best time to go to bed is, write down your bedtime and count backwards in 90-minute increments. So, if your waking time is 6:30 a.m., you should be going to sleep at 9:30, 11:00, or 12:30 to ensure you wake up between sleep cycles. Note: this is when you should actually be falling asleep, not just going to bed.