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Keep Health Essentials On Hand

There's hardly a worse feeling than getting sick and realizing you don't have anything at home to ease your symptoms -- this is especially true if you live alone and are left to decide between staying at home and feeling miserable or dragging your sick behind to the drugstore. Keep a few things on hand at home, and you'll never be left in total suffering again. Here are a few of the basics:
1) A general tummy soother -- you can pick your favorite here, but these include Pepto-Bismol, Alka-Seltzer, and Tums.
2) A painkiller and an anti-inflammatory. Yes, they can be different. Most popular are acetaminophen for pain and naproxen sodium for anti-inflammatory.
3) Vitamins and cold remedies -- vitamin packets like Emergen-C, zinc lozenges, cough drops, and whatever your favorite things are to ease a cold (tea with honey?) you should have them on hand so you're not miserable with the sniffles.