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Let Go of Fast Food Forever

When I went to college, I successfully avoided gaining the dreaded "Freshman 15." My mom always fed me healthy foods and between running college track and my love for yoga and salads, I had no problem staying trim. As college wore on, the classes got harder and the demands on my time were crazier; fast food was the easiest way to get a quick snack late at night while I pulled all-nighter study sessions. Suddenly I went from never eating out to making two or three stops at the drive-thru every week. When I went to graduate school, it only got worse. I was working and going to school at the same time, too busy to work out, and totally exhausted. I was also 35 pounds heavier and didn't even notice it happening. One day, I was walking to class up a giant hill and could hardly make it with all the books I was carrying...what happened to that college athlete? Why did my body feel 60 when I was only 22 years old? I got home that night, ate my last McDonald's cheeseburger, and gave up fast food -- forever. The first few weeks were terrible; I still didn't have too much time to cook and peanut butter and toast can only comprise so many dinners. Then, something crazy happened: my body stopped wanting fast food. Suddenly it was easier to walk to class, I got less headaches and felt less tired. I lost 15 pounds just from giving up fast food -- the other 20 came off through harder work over time. I know it's convenient; I know it's so tasty -- you have to give it up! Treat your body with respect and fill it with wholesome fuel; life will be easier overall.