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Linda Cooper--living with Parkinson's disease

I have made a decision that the glass is going to be half-full and that I will make the best out of it. It is a conscious effort to do this. And that’s not to say that some days I don’t just sit down with the biggest gin and tonic you have ever seen and wallow in self-pity. But that doesn’t solve the problem. Your history doesn’t have to be your destiny. I have lots of wonderful things to look forward to. Although Parkinson’s is part of my life, it is not my whole life.

There are a lot of different ways to treat Parkinson’s. I believe that you shouldn’t take medication until you really have to. It is your life and your body––you need to be in control of that and not let someone else lead you by the hand. There are people who can assist you along the way, but the key is that you stay in charge and use all the ‘consultants and advisors’ that are at your disposal.

In my life, I never planned to take this journey. It’s kind of like a well-known analogy that states: I planned to go to California, but instead I ended up in Holland where the language is different, the people are different but nice and caring, and the food tastes different––but good. Maybe someday I will go back to California but for now I am in Holland, and I’m adjusting to Holland okay.