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LinkedIn--Step 3 Create a Summary!

Create a Summary --Once a prospect has visited your profile, you have to keep them there and not have them leave quickly. Your page should describe in their minds what they are looking for and show your credibility in fulfilling them. As an example, being a social media marketer, you can imagine the amount of other people in the same line of work. Some really good and some not so much. Once they land on my profile, instead of “Winston grew up in Mexico.. (rest of my life and business story)” I would suggest you think of WHY those people are looking at your profile. You should know this by now. Mine would be they are looking for social media training or marketing. So my Summary talks about their needs and how I can help. (see my profile here

You an also add in a video in this section which is excellent marketing. So remember, most of the people try to write their autobiography in this Summary. Always remember that the prospect who is visiting your page is very busy and they just would like to know that you have the sufficient ability/talent/skill to fulfill their needs. In short, the summary should be client-focused Otherwise, you are going to get just hits on your page and nothing to show for it.