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Make Good Compost

Making compost is easy and fun, but it

Making compost is easy and fun, but it takes some know-how.

Pick a spot that is at least 4'x4', or build an area out of wooden pallets. Begin with a base of soil and "browns" (i.e. straw, dead leaves, plants, newspaper) to create carbon.

Continue by adding "greens for nitrogen (grass clippings, plant based food scraps).

Ideally, the bin would be enclosed with a lid to trap heat, but this step is not entirely necessary.

For Maintenance: Turn the compost with a shovel to aerate. Moisten the pile periodically, and add browns to maintain the proper ratio.

Note: Do not add wheat based food scraps or dairy.

This tip is provided by Austin Broderick, an urban gardener in the Detroit area, who teaches students about sustainability.
