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Make The Most Out Of Working At A Movie Theater

Working at a movie theater isn’t all free movies and eating popcorn. There is plenty of stress involved when dealing with customers, cleaning packed theaters and mourning your open weekends. However, with a few easy tips, you can make the most of your movie theater job.

1. Befriend coworkers – you’ll be spending a lot of time in close proximity to your coworkers, whether behind the register or sweeping soda-stained surfaces. If you can create a casual rapport with your partner, doing menial labor will be a lot more bearable.

2. Charm whoever makes the schedule – chances are you’ll request weekends off at least once; your social life is, after all, a valid concern. These requests will have a lot more hope of being approved if your superiors are smitten with you. Don’t be a brown nose, just be nice and do whatever your managers tell you with a good attitude.

3. Maximize your free movies – one of the only true perks to working at a movie theater is that you get to watch movies for free. If you have no limit on how many you can see, go to as many as possible to make the most out of the investment. If you do have a limit, no problem; just tag along with your co-workers when they go see movies, since they will be able to bring some guests.