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Make Your Own Pet Treats

If your pet is on a prescription diet for health reasons, they may not be allowed to have treats. My cat loves treats, but recently had to switch to a specific diet and is no longer allowed to have any store brand treats. If you're facing this same situation, there are a few things you can do to keep your pet looking forward to special treats.

1. Replace treat bags with your pet's dry food. It may sound crazy, but it's usually the noise and anticipation of getting a treat that gets your pet so wound up - not the treat itself.

2. Create treats using your pet's prescription wet food. Freeze small amounts of wet food (treat-sized portions) on wax paper. Once frozen and solid, place in a treat bag and keep refrigerated or frozen. Serve as usual.

3. If your pet is on a dry food diet, you can create treats that are a little easier to chew using this food. Crush (by hand or with a food processor or blender) dry food into a fine, sand-like texture. Add water until you're able to form a doughy consistency. Place treat-sized portions onto a cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 8-12 minutes. Store in usual treat containers and serve as requested!