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Need to Put Things in Perspective? Grab These Books

Do you ever get caught up thinking about who you are, where you came from, and where you're going? Maybe not just you, but everyone? What's it all about? Life can throw some big questions. And you can throw life some big questions. It's important to question the past, and also look ahead to the future. Here are a few books I recommend for getting your head in the right place.

1. Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond

This book explores the origins of humanity, starting from our ancient ancestors standing upright to peer over the high grass in Africa. From there, it explores the migration of humans and further evolution of our species. How did people end up on Easter Island? Jared Diamond explains it. Reading this will give you a deeper respect and appreciation for just how lucky we are to be living in times such as these.

2. A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn

Growing up and going to school we are presented with a very no-nonsense approach to history. This book will take what you've learned and flip it on it's head. You will come to realize that Christopher Columbus was probably not such a great guy, and that the people pulling the strings and controlling much of the world have deep roots going back hundreds of years. You will learn a lot, and probably be saddened and angry. Howard Zinn cites all of his sources, so you know where to find more information. Also can be found online at

3. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

Ready to have your mind blown? In Stephen Hawking's classic work, he explores the fundamental makeup of time and space. It might take a few times reading through to understand, but this book will open your mind to things you have never even considered. It will really give you some things to think about. I still can't wrap my head around half of the ideas in this book.

So there you have it, a summer reading list sure to get your mind working overtime. Feel free to take notes, these books are long and dense, but definitely worth the effort.