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Networking: Did You Know...

That over a large percentage of job positions aren't made known publicly for many organizations? This means that networking is one of the biggest ways to land a job, as it is the only way to "be in the know" of these positions.

Networking is a great tool to get the inside scoop about an organization that you would like to be employed. Many people underestimate the power of knowing that right someone. This can keep you from sending out a high volume of random resumes and cover letters to the jobs posted on the many job websites.

Ways to network include: family, college friends and professors, current coworkers and supervisors, and even people met via social media. Websites like LinkedIn and Facebook are great sources to utilize to get acquainted with people that can be an ally to your next job.

Do some homework for the company that you want to be employed at. Seek out those who are in charge of hiring or recruitment. Try networking with them. It can make for a excellent stepping stone to that dream position you desire.

Hope this helps!