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Profile of a Distinguished Gentleman

The American Dream cannot only be attained via college education as one young man has proven. Mr. Andre Grant’s acumen in financial independence took root at age 15 when he began generating his own cash flow. Ever since that time, he’s invested in real estate and bought a spanking car, all the while building sustainable credit. Grant is a budding businessman, philanthropist, and good old-fashioned hard worker suitably deemed financially literate.

Unsure of what direction he wanted to take after high school, Grant decided to attend a vocational school where he could gain hands-on experience in a specialized trade. He enrolled at the CHI Institute in Philadelphia, PA to earn his certificate in the science of electricity. The nine-month program gave him practical training, enabling him to become a certified electrician upon graduation.

While the thought of earning a sizable income as a new workforce entrant bedazzled him, it was difficult for him to find a decent job that didn’t require a daily tedious commute. So Grant took up side gigs related to his field and landed an extra job at a nursing home “to pay the bills” as he put it. Then he was hired by a government-contracted company to manufacture special equipment for the United States Air Force in its shipping and receiving department. Grant has been doing this work ever since, although he soon plans to complete an apprenticeship that will elevate him to licensed electrician status. “When I first started [trade] school, I found it exciting and interesting,” said Grant. “I didn’t want to go to work every morning bored, unhappy with my job.”

When he isn’t on duty at his day job, Grant is busy with his non-profit organization (NPO). People Building People, Inc. (PBP) is Grant’s way of giving back to his hometown of Chester, PA. “I felt drawn to help the youth of the city, to give them a headstart in life,” said Grant on his motivation for establishing PBP. His organization embraces social responsibility from the annual Chester High School (Grant’s alma mater) laptop scholarship ceremony to the back-to-school bookbag drive; PBP is a positive catalyst for change in a place where adolescents need outstanding role models.

While he “probably” wouldn’t recommend his particular career path to others, Grant believes that “you should finish what you start, be patient [in reaching your goals], and stay humble.” Recently purchasing a housing duplex where he rents out the apartments to tenants, Grant intends to continue making his hard-earned money work for him. “It never hurts to have multiple streams of income in this economy,” he advised. Grant steadily advances up the ladder of financial and professional equity.

Learn more about Grant’s non-profit by visiting his website