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Public Speaking 101

Public speaking ranks right up there with heights and sudden death as people's greatest fear. While you'll probably always be nervous talking to a crowd, there are a few simple tricks to make it easier to speak in front of people -- and have your presentation go smoothly.
1) Practice, practice, practice. You can have note cards if you really want them, but you should know your presentation well enough that you don't need them. Knowing what you're talking about will make you feel more confident and let you look people in the eye during your presentation -- not staring down at your cards the whole time.
2) Talk to yourself. Give your presentation to a mirror. Study what you look like as you speak. Wear the outfit you're going to wear during the presentation, and make sure your movements aren't causing a wardrobe malfunction. You won't be so self-conscious speaking in front of other people if you know what you look like while doing it.
3) Talk to others. Give your presentation to friends, family -- whoever will listen to you. Tell them to be honest; these people will be the ones to tell you if you're talking to quickly or doing something fidgety you might not even be aware of.