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Sales--Use Silence to close more sales

Use silence after trial closes. A trial close

Use silence after trial closes.

A trial close is another way of asking for the sale—and there are many ways to do this.  The key is that after you do this—be quiet and use silence.  For example, if your trial close is “ I would love to include your ad in this months issue” --say it and then be silent--don't say a word even if it feels uncomfortable.   99% of the time the client will then break the ice and either say, Yes or No. If No, a reason will be forthcoming--provided you stay quiet--this is an objection you can now work to solve.   To get to a Yes in life, one has to work through objections. 

Silence is a great way of getting out objections!

Source: Gord Carley has run sales-driven publishing businesses for 20+ years and hired and trained hundreds of sales representatives.