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Take Your Own Approach to Organization

There are a million strategies for organization. You

There are a million strategies for organization. You may sit around, watch reruns of Hoarders, and think, "Man, I might be a slob. A real poster child for disorganization. But at least I'm not on THAT level". And you're right. For now. But that's the thing about hoarding.... It slowly creeps up on you, and before you know it you're living atop a fossilized layer of old pets and pizza boxes.

So how can you get yourself together, before it's too late?

Despite what you might hear, take your own approach. Lots of people can find their way around their bedroom and know exactly where everything is. It may be a mess, but so what? As long as those piles of clothes are cycled through every so often, it can technically be classified as a method of organization.

I like to live my life knowing I can fit everything I own in my car and disappear overnight. Lots of people could not handle that. Because of my minimalist attitude, organization for me isn't difficult. But that's the beauty of the strategy! Its genius lies in its simplicity.

So take your own approach, because who cares what Dr. Phil says.