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Tiny Fork, Tiny Plate, Tiny Bites = Portion Control Success

Portion control is tough, but these 3 tricks make it easier to control your portions and eat more slowly, giving your body more time to realize it's full.

1) Tiny Fork -- eating more slowly is proven to give your body plenty of time to digest and realize when it's full. Using a small fork ensures you can't shovel it in as quickly, thus slowing down the process.

2) Tiny Plate -- people who ate the same amount of food on a smaller plate felt more satisfied than people who saw the same portion on a huge plate. Using a small plate makes it look like you've got a heaping portion, tricking your brain into being happier with a smaller amount of food.

3) Tiny Bites -- Taking small bites and chewing them thoroughly is key to proper digestion and feeling full. Take smaller bites and chew more than you think you need to; this will feel weird at first, but once you get used to it you'll automatically enjoy smaller portions and less stomachaches.