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Tip: Consider the Safety Features of Your Vehicle and Make Sure They Are Taken Into Account by Your Insurer

Insurance companies will give consideration to safety features in your car when quoting a rate to you. Some of the features that they consider are these:

1) Anti-lock brakes

2) Whether your car is garaged

3) Back-up rear view monitors, sensors and cameras

4) Front and side, passenger and backseat airbags, particularly when they are designed to sense the size, weight, and seating position of each occupant.

5) Day time lights – these help not only your vision but your visibility to other vehicles

6) Keyless starters

7) Window Sketching – this means that the VIN number is literally etched into the glass so it cannot be altered by thieves

8) Stolen vehicle recovery systems that help police locate stolen vehicles

9) Tire pressure monitoring systems which keep your car running more safely and for a longer time

10) Anti-theft devices and built in alarms

11) Wireless tracking devices that monitor driving behavior – these are installed by the insurance company at your request and gauge mileage and speed

12) Alcohol sensors – these will prevent the car from being driven by someone under the influence of alcohol

13) LED lights

14) Blind spot detection and lane departure warning systems, both relatively new developments, let you know when an object is in your blind spot and sense the speed and distance of oncoming vehicles.