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Tip for reducing Group/Gang Member Involved homicides in your community

By working with the Positive Influence Team you can help prevent and reduce violence in your community. The PI Team consists of a talented and proven group who are driven by a passion to guide and impact youth and young adults.

The staff is rich in experience. They are all former outreach employees of the internationally acclaimed Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV), a multi-agency, community collaboration designed to quickly and dramatically reduce gun violence. They were an integral part of CIRV’s success, which included a 38% reduction in the number of Group/Gang Member Involved (GMI) homicides according to the University of Cincinnati Policing Institute (UCPI).

In January, 2011, as the City of Cincinnati experienced a 60 million dollar deficit, they were afforded the opportunity to move forward with their vision and create The Positive Influence team; this opportunity allowed them to include a strong focus on youth which was missing from the CIRV emphasis on adults.
