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Tips for Making Great Time on Road Trips

So you’re waking up in California, and need to be in Kansas City by tomorrow afternoon? Saddle up, you’re going to need to put the miles behind you, and fast! Coming from a guy who has spent a lot of time on the road, here are some tips for making it to your destination in an efficient manner:

1. Diet. It’s all about diet. You do want to stay hydrated, but not so hydrated that you are pulling over every hour to use the restroom at a Flying-J. Stay away from sugary drinks like soda and juice, as they can cause spikes and crashes in your energy. Stick to water or unsweetened teas, in moderation. As for munchies, try stocking up on healthy and filling snacks. Personal favorites of mine include homemade kale chips and almonds. Not only will they satisfy your hunger, but they will keep you full for a while as they are natural appetite suppressors, which is important since we’re trying to make good time!

2. Entertainment. Of course, you’re going to want to keep your attention on the road, but you also don’t want to fall asleep while tackling the long, boring stretches of South Dakota. My advice is to stock on podcasts and new music. I like to try out maybe five new podcasts I haven’t listened to, and give them a shot. If I like them, download some more! Once you find something you like, the hours will fly by while you barely notice! Of course, music will keep you going as well, but sometimes a conversation can be easier and more mellow to listen to.

3. Have fun! You’re possibly going through a part of the country or world you have never visited before. Pay attention to the local quirks, and tune into local radio stations. Don’t forget to pull over and try local foods, if you have time! If you’re not in a hurry, pull over in new cities and do some exploring. You never know when you will be back!